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Sacroiliac joint pain cortisone injections at our clinics
We are a leading cortisone injection clinic offering steroid injections for sacroiliac joint pain, also known as sacroiliitis or sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Medical research suggests that up to 25% of low back pain are sacroiliac joint related. Steroid injections can bring significant relief from SIJ pain and bring you much-needed respite from your condition.
We offer private injections at our Central London and South London clinics and also offer home visits in the South London area. A free telephone consultation is available to understand whether injections will be helpful and appropriate in your particular case and to ensure your injection will be safe and give you maximum benefit.
Booking is quick and easy, please see our book appointment page for more details.
What causes sacroiliac joint pain and what are the symptoms?
The sacroiliac joint connects the sacrum, the triangular bone at the base of the spine, to the ilium, which is one of the large pelvic bones. The sacrum and ilium are connected by strong ligaments that stabilize the joint. The sacroiliac joint plays a crucial role in transferring the weight of the upper body to the pelvis and legs. Sacroiliac joint pain can result from various factors, and the precise cause may differ from person to person. Some common causes of sacroiliac pain include:
Trauma to the sacroiliac joint, such as a fall or car accident, can cause damage to the ligaments or cartilage, leading to pain and dysfunction.
Pregnancy secondary to the hormonal changes and increased mobility of joints can sometimes lead to sacroiliac joint pain. This condition is often referred to as pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain.
Osteoarthritis similar to those seen in other joints, cause by progressive cartilage degeneration can cause pain.
Ligamentous Laxity in some individuals with joint hypermobility syndrome (such as Ehlers-Danlos syndromes) can contribute to instability and increased motion in the sacroiliac joint, leading to pain.
Infection (in rare cases) affecting the sacroiliac joint can cause pain. Septic arthritis of the sacroiliac joint is a serious condition that requires prompt medical attention.
Inflammatory related conditions including spondyloarthritis (such as ankylosing spondylitis), psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) or other inflammatory disorders. can cause secondary SIJ pain and inflammation.
Referred Pain from nearby structures, such as the lumbar spine or hip, can be referred to the sacroiliac joint, making it appear as though the pain is originating from the joint itself.
Common symptoms of sacroiliac pain include:
Pain and Stiffness in the lower back and buttocks. The pain may be felt on one or both sides.
Reduced range of motion in the lower back and hips making activities such as bending, twisting, or lifting more challenging.
Morning Stiffness where symptoms gradually improve with movement throughout the day.
Pain Radiating to Legs and thighs in some cases mimicking sciatica.
Tenderness with palpation over the sacroiliac joints.
Systemic Symptoms such as fatigue, fever, and weight loss.
In order to ensure injection therapy is the right course of action in your particular case, we offer a free virtual consultation to get a quick picture of your health and the condition you are experiencing, and advise on whether steroid injections are a good course of action for you. At your appointment we will also carry out a physical assessment to ensure you are receiving the most appropriate treatment and best possible care.
What our patients say
How do cortisone injections help with sacroiliac pain?
We typically perform corticosteroid injections sacroiliac pain related to degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis or secondary to trauma, when the pain has not settled with simple analgesia and that a fracture has been ruled out. Cortisone injections can rapidly reduce pain, bringing much-needed relief and increased mobility. If you have found your work or other daily activities involving prolonged sitting, standing, walking uphill, or anything else causing sacroiliac pain, a steroid injection can allow you the freedom to get back to work and normal life.
Pain is not to be underestimated and when it becomes bad it can become debilitating and lead to depression. Sacroiliac pain can also lead to inactivity which can cause further problems such as postural and health issues, leading to even further inactivity, known as the chronic pain cycle. It is crucial to seek help when you are in pain and not simply try to live with it, as when left unchecked pain can cause gradual deterioration of both mental and physical health.
The break from pain and other symptoms brought by steroid injections will also allow you to take other actions to proactively combat your problem. In particular, you will be able to follow a physiotherapist-prescribed exercise programme to deal with your condition at the root by building flexibility and strength in the pelvic floor and lumbar region. It is important you do any exercises your physiotherapist gives you to avoid your problem worsening in the future and potentially leading to more problems further down the line.
All our treatments include a written report and guidance on moving forward with treating your problem following your injection, so that you can use the opportunity the injection gives to set yourself on a path to better health. We also include a personalised physiotherapy exercise plan wherever appropriate.
For more information about cortisone injections and frequently asked questions, see our cortisone injections page.
Do you diagnose sacroiliac pain with ultrasound?
Ultrasound imaging itself is not appropriate to diagnose sacroiliac pain but it can be useful to perform a diagnostic ultrasound guided injection where a local anaesthetic is injected into the joint to confirm its role in pain. Diagnosing the exact cause of sacroiliac pain can be challenging, and we often use a combination of clinical evaluation, blood tests, X-rays and/or MRI, and to determine the underlying cause.
Are cortisone injections a long-term solution for sacroiliac joint pain?
Corticosteroids have a short term effect (around 3 months) but a common belief is that cortisone injections do not address the underlying causes of your pain and will only stop the symptoms.
First of all, your pain has a massive impact on your daily life and any relief, even temporary, can help significantly with your sleep, work or family activities, and as a result, improve your general well being and mental health. Fortunately, simple pathologies, even when causing severe pain, tend to improve overtime and by the time the steroid has stopped working, we expect that your body has healed by itself and the pain won't return.
Secondly, the pain free period allowed by steroid injections (up to 3-6 months on average and sometime over 1 year) is a window that will be used to begin further treatment such as a prescribed exercise program or sessions of physiotherapy, in order to address other causative factors for your problems.
In some cases steroid injections can also be a permanent solution by stopping chronic inflammation or disrupting your pain signal. More information about pain can be found on our blog.
At your virtual consultation and first appointment, your clinician will ask questions and assess you to diagnose your problem and explain to you the options available. This will help you to understand how you can use the respite from pain which a corticosteroid injection provides, to work directly on your problem and provide you with a personalized exercise plan to avoid reliance on injections in the future.

Your clinician
All our injection treatments are carried out by our experienced physiotherapist and injection clinician, Maxence Legout. Max has over 15 years experience and holds a senior position in the NHS, where he carries out over 2000 ultrasound-guided injection & procedures every year.
For more information please see our clinician page, or book a free online or telephone consultation to speak to Max directly.
What other treatments are available for sacroiliac joint pain?
After a minor injury or repetitive strain, usually rest, ice or heat and painkilling treatments like over-the-counter analgesic pills or gels are often sufficient. Pelvic belt can be useful for pregnancy related SIJ pain. For sever pain or when symptoms persist over 12 weeks and are not responding to cortisone injection, radiofrequency denervation or surgery might be recommended. More information on sacroiliac joint pain are available here.
Rehabilitation with pelvic floor and low back exercises are all also important, and your physiotherapist will guide you on what activities you should do or should avoid at each stage of your recovery.
If you are suffering from coccyx pain, a diagnosis from a medical professional is an essential first step in understanding your problem and understanding what is the right course of treatment for you.
MEDICAL REVIEW - The medical information on this page has been reviewed for accuracy by Maxence Legout, MSc, Physiotherapist.